
Welcome to generatetrafficonyourwebsite.blogspot.com. Here you will find the best tips to generate traffic on your website. Visit regularly to keep updated or simply follow.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

pls click

Hey guys pls click on ads.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Pls click

Pls click for some amazing pages on the links highlighted in normal text.

Friday, 11 November 2011


Add your website on all your visiting or stationery cards. This will generate a hell lot of a traffic. And see that your printer gets the URL syntax correct. In print, I recommend leaving off the http:// part and including only the www.domain.com portion.


A podcast is a multimedia file which is made available on the internet for public viewing and download. I don’t have any specific stats on podcasting, but just ask yourself, “Do I or anybody I know listen to podcasts?” I’m betting the answer is, “Yes!”, and the number is higher than it was a few years ago. Like blogging, Podcasting is a great way to control your message and bring it to market quickly.
Go to http://www.time.com/time/podcast/50coolestsites for some of the coolest podcasting sites.