
Welcome to generatetrafficonyourwebsite.blogspot.com. Here you will find the best tips to generate traffic on your website. Visit regularly to keep updated or simply follow.

Saturday, 29 October 2011


Also add link of your website in comments on other web sites. This will tell more people about it. You can start by adding a comment to this blog.  

Maintaining Traffic

Your site should be easy to use. If your site is not user friendly then people get frustrated and may not want to come back thus reducing traffic. Here are a few tips on how to make your site easy to use -

1) Make a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page.
2)Post videos on how to navigate.
3)Put step by step instructions on how to use the site.
4)Use simple language which can be understood by everybody  

Monday, 24 October 2011

News Letters

A newsletter is one of the best way to generate traffic on your website because it brings back people who were interested enough in your topic to submit their email address.

Newsletter (sometimes called ezines) in this sense are considered any email sent to people who have asked for it. The format of your newsletter can be fancy or just plain text. The important thing is that you treat your newsletter subscribers well and build a relationship with them. Giving them valuable tips is a great method.A good service for newsletters is aweber.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Some methods worth paying

Hey Guys I am back with some cool metjods that are worth paying for. The good thing about the paid methods is that they are fast. So start by trying this-

 Google Adwords-
You dont have a google adwords account!!
Shame on you. Create one immediately by clicking here.     

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Easiest Way To Generate Traffic

I am back with the most easiest way to generate traffic.
Nowadays  everybody is on social networking sites like twitter and facebook. you just need to sign up and add many friends or followers. Then create pages regarding your website. Send the link to your friends who might be interested and ask them to forward it to as many people as possible. This might take some time but is sure to work.   

Monday, 10 October 2011

Generate Traffic For For free To Your Website

There are many ways of generating traffic to your website.Over here I will tell you about the free ones.

First thing you have to do is to put it on as many search engines as possible.For this go to submitexpress and add your website to it. This will add it to over 70 search engines for free. Next follow the steps given below-

#1) Submit Articles

This one of the easiest and effective way to generate traffic to your website. Find long tail keywords (terms with 3 or 4 words in them)…and write articles about the subject.
Submit to article directories…and watch both visitors and your page rank increase.bs
Find software to make submission easier:
Have articles submitted for you:
#2)Start a blog

Start a Blog
Start a blog…If you haven’t yet, then you’re not planning on generating much free traffic. Sure there are other ways, but why in the world would you want to make your life harder?
Start one for free here:
Or set up one on your one domain. I suggest WordPress from http://www.wordpress.org
Now start posting good content rich articles.

#3)Generate Links
You can trade links with other sites. A good program for this is Arelis at http://www.axandra.com
It’s even easier if you have a blog.
- Visit high traffic blogs and comment on them.
- Include links to other blogs in your posts.
- Submit to carnivals such as the ones you find at: http://www.blogcarnival.com

#4)Post Viral Videos at Youtube.com
Everyone is always talking about Web 2.0. The Internet is growing up…and video is taking a priority in online marketing (if you’re not testing videos on your sales pages you’re making a huge mistake).
Create videos and post them to
It’s not a large traffic generator for me, but it is another free generator…plus it saves my own bandwidth (I embed my own Youtube videos on my pages).
#5)Set-up An Affiliate Program
If you sell ANY type of product, you should have an affiliate program. It equals 60% to 75% of my sales on all my products. So if you don’t have one…you’re missing out on 2/3rds of your sales!
The system I use is:
Go there now to set-up a free 30 day trial and try it out for yourself. Not only can you run your affiliate program, it can also handle all your sales, recurring billing, split test campaigns, and do email follow-up. It’s a complete automation solution.